Circles of Care Circles of Care is an awareness program for children offered by the Diocese of Syracuse, NY to help you in protecting your children. Click here to view the curriculum
The diocese requires a form to be completed for each child that is not present for Circles of Care classes.
Safe Environment Training All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments - home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods and communities. The Diocese of Syracuse embraces this right to safety and promotes the protection of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. We will continue to take steps to create a safe environment and to prevent the sexual abuse of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. The Diocese of Syracuse expects that all persons and entities under its auspices will comply with this policy.
All adults must take safe environment training if they are working in the church whether it be volunteer or otherwise. Click here to find Initial Safe Environment Training and Recertification throughout the diocese.