Power of Prayer |
Topics for Summer:Living Your Faith:
This summer concentrate on how you can live your faith. Focus on your service activities and feel the grace from doing something for others. Enjoy your time off from school! Take advantage of the great things in nature that God has provided; the sun, the bright flowers, the green plants and grass and trees, the beautiful birds and butterflies and the lightening bugs at night. Have fun and spread that joy to all around you; your family and friends. Take the opportunity to enjoy helping your family do summer projects and then enjoy the reward of spending time with those you love. Prayers for Summer from Catholic Digest:
A Summer Prayer Long warm days... The pace of life slows... A time for picnics and rest in the shade... Lord, help me to rest awhile in the cooling shade of your presence. Slow down my restless heart and fill me with gentle compassion for all your people. Amen. - Author unknown A Summer Blessing May you walk with God This summer In whatever you do Wherever you go Walking with God means... Walking with honesty And with courage, Walking with love And respect And concern for the feelings of others May you talk to God This summer And every day and In every situation Talking with God means... Praying words of praise For the beauty of creation Saying prayers of thanks For friends and good times, Asking God's help In all your decisions Expressing sorrow When you have failed May you talk with God Every day. Amen. - Author unknown Gifts of the Spirit: Try to memorize these by the end of the year (the Bishop sometimes asks if you know them). A mnemonic I use is: wurk crw (work crew):
Wisdom, Understanding, Right-Judgement, Knowledge Courage, Reverence, Wonder-and-Awe in God's Presence Home Assignments for Summer:Journal: Complete
Sponsor: Should have had 3 to 5 conversations with your sponsor. Summer Assignments: - Personal Beliefs Project - Saint Report - Bishop Letter - Year-Long Service Activity Presentation |
Saints for the MonthBreaking Open the WordLiving the GospelConfirmation
"Confirmed in the Spirit" loyolapress Rite The Sacrament of Confirmation usually takes place in the context of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is celebrated one the confirmands have been confirmed. All are called to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. Meaning In receiving the Eucharist, you participate in Christ's self-giving and are united as the Church, the People of God. Daily Life When we glorify God through our words and actions, we are sharing his love with others. Life of Faith The gifts of faith that we receive in Confirmation are strengthened through celebrating the Eucharist and receiving Holy Communion. |